I’m Allison, leader of leaders, healer of healers.

I see you… Head in your hands in your office when no one else is around.  I see you wanting to provide an amazing level of care to your clients, but losing patience with the same ‘ole problems day in and day out.  

I feel you… I feel your longing to bring forth a legacy that will leave your impact on the world, but deep down you’re afraid the legacy stops with you.

I hear you… I hear the sigh exiting your lips on another Monday morning when it’s “back to the grind.”

I get you...  I’ve been the business owner, the single mom, the busy person with a dream yearning to come forth but seemingly no time or energy to bring it about. And since I’ve cracked the code….

…I’ve got you.

Furthermore? I know how to tap into the Quantum Field, and use Science to bolster an Intuitive connection - something that you already have, and something you can learn to strengthen and fully embody.

I began having intuitive visions, downloads, and “messages” come to me around the tender age of 3. Although I never forgot these visions, they became slowly clouded over time as I entered religion, and gained my degree in Biblical Studies. However, in 2020, in one moment, my Soul re-ignited, and I remembered exactly what I was here to do.

I recognized the Pandemic, as I had seen it coming and had been waiting for it for 35 years. As a result, I turned my life completely inside out, divorced my toxic marriage, and pursued my passion full time - coaching. In that short amount of time I have led my family out of American poverty, healed my body from multiple chronic illnesses, survived, and later thrived after multiple near death experiences, and continue to receive strong intuitive messages for the Collective (including for You!)

After spending 20 years of coaching, with decades of experience in and around the medical and healing industries, I have learned a thing or two about the challenges that healers face in today’s society.


My mission is to support you in becoming the highest version of you that is wealthy, grounded, and comfortable growing your healing business in a way that is fully aligned with your soul, your integrity, your Spirit, and your bank account.

Blending the Science of Human Design, Quantum Physics, and Intuition, I help my clients align with the most abundant versions of themselves by shining light on the magic they hold inside. Sometimes called “Inner Alchemy,” we work with what is, and create absolute gold throughout our time together as we further embody what will be.

I have a background in writing and editing, and bring my command of the written word to bear with my clients’ marketing materials, books, and websites so they can attract perfect-fit clients, team members, support staff, and more.

If this is resonating with you and your next steps, click the button below to get on my calendar for a chat!

I am a “seer” and see not only exactly where you are, but where you can be with your goals, purpose, and mission. I can also “see” the way to get you there, when you can’t. Because, let’s face it - we all have blind spots.

  • Allison Al-Khemia, FMCHC, CST, is a Quantum Business Coach who helps healers grow their business and wealth through Human Design, so they can make a larger impact on the world. Allison weaves her knowledge of Human Design, Frequency-Based Living, Intuition, and the Healing Arts into her Signature Method of developing her clients’ Intuitive Skill Sets so strongly that they Quantum Leap results inside their healing business.

    As a conqueror of Lyme Disease, a survivor of septic shock, multiple near-death experiences and a trauma & abuse survivor, there is no stone she has not uncovered for herself - and not only uncovered, but mastered.

    Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in religious studies, possesses a strong knowledge of the human body as a post-bacc science major and healer, and is a natural-born writer, public speaker, psychic, and musician.

    Allison lives in beautiful Colorado with her three sons, and travels internationally, speaking worldwide on all things New Paradigm & Human Design.