To activate the highest version of you that is Aligned with 10x’ing your business, receiving only the best clients and patients, and having a work/life balance that shocks your colleagues, while making an even larger impact on the world, you need to become that person. The fastest way to do that is to hire a mentor who has proven results in your industry.

Results like…

⚜️ 125% - 450% increases in revenue in under 30 days, across industries

⚜️ Immediate shifts in energetic frequencies resulting in overnight confidence in your wildly ambitious goals, and permanent embodiment of these shifts

⚜️ Breaking up with hustle-culture in a predominantly hyper masculine work environment to produce a business that runs around you, and not the other way around

⚜️ Becoming so connected to your Intuition that you never second-guess yourself ever again

⚜️ Serve more people with your medicine while working less

⚜️ Become well-known in your field, and a household name among your niche

⚜️ Sell out your events overnight with minimal marketing

⚜️ Effectively position yourself and your brand to land invitations & long-standing opportunities with the biggest names in your industry

⚜️ Lead your team with clear, bold, and integrous energy

⚜️ Expand your clinic, practice, business in ways you’ve been dreaming of for years - achieving all these goals in under one year

These results are all actual results that my clients achieved when they implemented the following principles:

  • Applying Human Design to business, marketing & sales

  • Marrying Intuition & Business Growth Strategy

  • Rewiring subconscious beliefs around money, expansion, visibility, and more, to enact the Laws of Manifestation as quickly as humanly possible

  • Regular physical exercise that aligns with Human Design energetics

  • Custom-building a growth plan using the tools of Human Design, astrology, Intuition, sales & marketing, team leadership, and personal development

  • 1:1 High-Level Coaching is the fastest and most proven way to success. Studies of successful people show that those who grew the fastest, and had the longest-lasting results, worked consistently with a mentor who was achieving the results they desired.

  • Inside my 1:1 Container, you will:

    • Uncover subconscious limiting beliefs that have been blocking the actualization of your dream up until this point

    • Become closely acquainted with your Human Design chart, and learn how to use your energy with the moon cycle, and every day business to manifest your goals at lightning speed

    • Through private Voxer access to Allison, you will have the ability to Voice note in real time when real things come up on the day-to-day

    • Achieve the deepest activations possible in your 1:1 biweekly calls

    • Secure Allison as your personal editor on all marketing materials, with edits, frequency-matching, and potent suggestions that will do all the heavy-lifting for you so you can focus on perfecting your craft, serving your people, and polishing your next public speaking gig

    • Receive any and all products, and services that Allison offers outside of the 1:1 Container at no additional cost. This includes any courses, retreats, or other offers that are developed during your time with Allison

    • Ultimately”? You will become the highest version of you that is continuously replenishing your energy, sharing more with the world, and 10x’ing your business while actually working less

Need a little more proof that this is the absolute best investment you could make for your business this year?

Just ask my client, L., who in under 2 months of working with me, has manifested:

🪄 her dream home

🪄 her dream business partner

🪄 her perfectly-Aligned joint venture

🪄 and quadrupled her income

🪄 while spending more quality time with her daughter.

Here’s what she wrote to me just 3 weeks after starting our work together:

“In just THREE WEEKS after I hired you… I have nearly tripled my monthly income. 3K to 8K!!!!!!!” - L., Independent R.N.

But then the very next week, she added $5.5K to that number. 😂

And then!

The following week she signed a deal with her dream business-partner, and they jointly accepted an alliance with a national brand and are currently underway in the launch of a lifetime.

Oh, and she manifested a dream house in the process. 💅

This is what Quantum Leaping looks like.

Quantum Business Scaling for New Paradigm Medical Professionals, who are already intuitive badass innovative thinkers. With the right support in your corner, you’re completely unstoppable.

Or ask my client R. who was working overtime (around 60 hours a week!) and doing everything her prior business coach was telling her to do, and still not making sales.

We began working together 1:1, and through our time, it became clear that she needed to shift her priority away from business, and onto her health. So we did! With my background in Functional Medicine Health Coaching, this was an easy pivot.

Little did she expect that this re-alignment with her energetics would have a profound impact on her career trajectory. Here’s what she had to say.

“Allison, thank you so much for your support in my business pivot! Because I’ve been leaning deeper into my rhythms with my energy and Human Design, I’ve had people reaching out to me wanting to know how to work with me without me even trying!”  -R., Operations Guide

So you see, we don’t play in the realm of cookie-cutter approaches.

You & I will set the goals, and then get serious about your energetics, your mindset, your visibility, your marketing, your team leadership, your health, and your growth strategies.