Join me weekly at The Quantum Paradigm Podcast where we discuss all things New Paradigm, Quantum Manifestation, and Human Design. Every week, I share groundbreaking paradigm shifts that are occurring, and need to be implemented for business owners and healers around the world in order to thrive in the New World. 

If you’re ready to take your business and life from the 3D paradigm of “hustle and grind” to the more evolved state of “Be, Do, Have” then you are in the right place. 

In The Quantum Paradigm, money is just another form of energy, and is celebrated as a foundational tool to get your gifts into the world. Here, we manifest massive amounts of wealth and collaborations, and are in the business of making dreams into reality. If you enjoy this podcast, please take a moment to leave a review, and share with your friends!

Enjoy my two favorite podcast interviews to date! If you feel your audience would benefit from this kind of information, please contact me HERE to book your interview for your podcast!

Channeling Intuition & Quantum Dynamics: Unlocking Mastery with Allison Baker on The Phase 4 Podcast

Hands down one of my favorite podcast interviews ever! JP and I traversed all kinds of Quantum landscape - the Dao, martial arts, applying Intuition to life and business, and more.

How Mastering One’s Energy Signature (Human Design) Prevents Burnout During Career Transition While Attracting Ideal Clients

In this wonderful interview, you get an upfront seat to Janine being introduced to Human Design for the first time, and a deep discussion on the Old Paradigm of Medicine compared to what we are stepping into: The New Paradigm of Medicine and Business!