Looking for an Engaging Speaker for Your Event?

Please read the below and contact Allison HERE detailing your interest.

→ The Great Divide Between Science & Spirit, and Why That is B.S.

→ On Being a Leader of Leaders: Creating Change in Your Industry From the Inside Out

→ The New Paradigm of Medicine: What It Means for Your Business Model as a Practitioner

→ From Survivor to Conqueror: How Overcoming Massive Adversity Creates a Force to be Reckoned With

→ NeoShamanism: An Old

→ Way of Being in a Modern World

→ Decoding the Quantum Field for Ultimate Manifestation


Allison Al-Khemia, FMCHC, CST, is a Quantum Business Coach who helps healers grow their business and wealth through Human Design, so they can make a larger impact on the world. Allison weaves her knowledge of Human Design, Frequency-Based Living, Intuition, and the Healing Arts into her Signature Method of developing her clients’ Intuitive Skill Sets so strongly that they Quantum Leap results inside their healing business.

As a conqueror of Lyme Disease, a survivor of septic shock, multiple near-death experiences and a trauma & abuse survivor, there is no stone she has not uncovered for herself - and not only uncovered, but mastered.

Allison holds a Bachelor’s Degree in religious studies, possesses a strong knowledge of the human body as a post-bacc science major and healer, and is a natural-born writer, public speaker, psychic, and musician.

Allison’s personal story of transformation is her curriculum, and has been her teacher. From bed-ridden and feeble, to a martial artist of 8 years and amateur bodybuilder, from a mentally battered and defeated woman to a successful single mother and business owner, Allison has mastered life transitions and takes joy in guiding others on their journeys in ways that are gentle, effective, proven, and unstoppable.

A leader among leaders, Allison’s teachings in spiritual and quantum alchemy are necessary moving forward in a world that is rapidly changing with AI integration, and more massive shifts in the collective. Old Paradigm systems simply will not work any longer, and Allison is here to lead the way for those who are called to go deeper, and leave an impact on the world, and co-create the New Paradigm of Medicine for future generations.

What Clients Say…

“Allison, I want to thank you for your guidance and teachings which have helped me create these results.”

-Sarge G., Clinician

“Allison offers a wealth of knowledge in spirituality and motivational coaching, working with her provided me hope and clarity in life and business.”

-Alriel W., Psychiatric Nurse & Author